Quality management
Certificates, attestations, declarations
We have ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 3834-2 and ISO 1090 certificates. We have also obtained a higher qualification for welding EXC3. Certificates carry a lot of responsibility, so the whole team works with each other continuously.
Manufacturer’s Certificate of Competence
The inspection certificate (“Manufacturer’s qualification”) is proof that the company is qualified to perform production (repairs), installation, service, and welding activities based on ČSN EN 1090-1 + A1, ČSN EN 1090-2, ČSN EN 1990, ČSN EN 1011- 1, 2, with the established quality management system and compliance with quality requirements for welding according to ČSN EN ISO 3834-2 and supervision according to ČSN EN ISO 14 731.
Certificate for the welding process
The welding process certification certificate is issued based on meeting the quality requirements specified in the standard ČSN EN ISO 3834-2: 2021. The certificate includes the production (repairs), installation (assembly) of steel (metal) structures according to ČSN EN 1090-2.
ISO 9001
Confirms compliance with the requirements related to our business activities, production of technical products, and assembly of special components and entire equipment. The certificate includes consulting services and trade. The whole quality management system in the company Metako s.r.o. was commissioned with a positive result.
ISO 14001
Is an environmental management system (EMS), ie environmental management designed for manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers in all areas of business. Environmental management reduces the impact of the organization’s activities on the environment, which results in an improved environment and company profile.
ISO 45001
Aims to specify the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system. It provides organizations with guidelines and procedures on how to create safe workplaces by preventing work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities, and by actively improving health and safety performance.
Our products comply with Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.

Quality control
and measurement
- we use a portable 3D-measuring arm
measuring range: 3,7 m - pressure tests
- x-ray
- continuous inspection using standard gauges